Writing for Charity 2010

Hey local peeps! I have something FABULOUS to tell you about!

Years ago I was absolutely honored to attend the very first Writing For Charity event created by Shannon Hale. Then it was just a handful of authors and aspiring writers. Now it's a full on BONANZA! Too many authors to count, and they're willing to critique YOUR writing.

Writing not your thing? There's an evening extravaganza featuring EVEN MORE authors and fun-times! I really wish I could go. But since tuition payments were due recently, I find myself without the funds. This makes me really sad since ALL of the money goes to giving books to the kids in at least ten of the lowest socioeconomic populated schools in the state. Isn't that AWESOME?

If you aren't local, you can still donate by clicking here.

To know everything there is to know, you should go to the website:

Additional Resources:

1 comment:

  1. I went to that first one too, but I was workshopping a picture book. They were surprised I'd driven five hours to get there, but it was worth it.


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