GIVEAWAY!!-- Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran

I feel very lucky to say that I have a copy of Michelle Moran's Cleopatra's Daughter to give away. I'm reading this right now, and it is fascinating. I didn't know anything about ancient Egypt and Rome before reading this book. I most certainly recommend it. Here's more info on this book on Goodreads. The winner will also receive this freaking awesome Roman coin, complete with authentication certificate

Entering this giveaway is going to be really really simple and is open to everyone internationally. Here's the rules:

1. You must be a follower to enter (You can become a follower just by clicking the follow button on the sidebar. This contest is open to old AND new followers)
2. Enter your name into the Mr. Linky below, if you don't have a URL, just enter my URL (
PLEASE BE SURE THAT WHATEVER NAME YOU ENTER INTO THE MR. LINKY IS THE SAME AS THE NAME YOU FOLLOW UNDER. If there are any names in the Mr. Linky that are not in my followers list, you will be thrown out.

Extra entry: Blog about this or link in your sidebar, please enter your name TWICE into the Mr. Linky, being sure to link to your post or blog. I will be checking all double entries to make sure you blogged or sidebar linked.

And it won't get you an extra entry, but I would great appreciate if you would comment on this post when you enter. After all, Mr. Linky's will go away, but comments are forever. ;) I just use Mr. Linky's for easier organization.

I will choose the winner using, the first number it chooses will be the winner!

Contest will end on Friday, the 27th! Winners will be announced on the 28th!

So that's it! Sign up!


  1. So glad I became a follower yesterday!

  2. This is a great way to track contest entries!!!! I may just have to borrow the idea.

  3. Oh, perhaps I was unclear. You can still enter if you aren't a follower, you just have to BECOME a follower.

  4. Hey there~ I'm not entering cause I already have the book, but I posted this on my blog to help spread the word :)

  5. I like the new widget, especially for unorganized people like me :D
    Great contest too, I've been DYING to read Cleopatra's Daughter. I'll post it on my blog :D

  6. Awesome contest! The idea to use Mr. Linky is brilliant!

  7. This is me, entering the contest. :)

  8. Please enter me, I really wanna read this book! I'm already a follower and added my URL on Mr. Linky. (Eleni)


  9. Great contest! This book sounds pretty cool, and I love the cover. I even borrowed it from a friend and used the cover as a model my Halloween costume! ^-^ My toga was purple, though.
    I love your entry format, BTW, sooo easy! =)

  10. Ooh, I've been wanting to read this book!

    Great contest :)

  11. I am a new follower, please enter me!

  12. Lovely giveaway! I want the book AND THAT COIN!

    I also tweeted about the contest. Just because.

  13. A book and an ancient coin? How cool! I've seen this book all over the blogosphere with good reviews and I'd very much like to read it :)

  14. I can't wait to read this, I LOVED Nefertiti! I just became a follower and would love to be entered in the giveaway.

    Jamye at

  15. I've heard so many great things about this book and since it's the holidays I've stopped buying books for myself so I am thrilled to have a chance at your giveaway. Thanks so much!

  16. I've been wanting to read this book! Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  17. I have really been wanting to read this. Thank you for this giveaway.
    Lisa Garrett

  18. I forgot to say I'm a follower!
    mittens0831 at aol dot com

  19. Please enter me! I am a follower and I linked the contest to my sidebar.

    infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com

  20. I have been looking forward in reading this book for a while. Thanks for the offer of winning it.

    I am a new follower.

    Tracey D
    booklover0226 AT gmail DOT com

  21. Forest also had me up, racing through the pages to see what would happen next.

    Great contest! I'm a follower.

  22. Thanks so much for hosting the contest, Ennalee! Hopefully I did the Mr Linky right! :P I linked to my special "Contests" page on my review blog! :D

    ~Jacqueline (bookbutterfly, aka "The Nerdette")

  23. I am a follower who has been wanting to read this book very much and has been hoping to win a copy. I am also a coin collector who would truly treasure this Roman coin.

    Thank you,


  24. I entered my name into the Mr. Linky and since I don't have a URL, I just entered your URL (

    Thank you,


  25. I entered my name. Sounds like a cool book


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